I didn’t get everything completed I had hoped for the weekend. But it was a good weekend nonetheless. I didn’t get to Ben’s room (yes, I need to get some work done on the room – it’s been uncompleted for a very long time, and is almost finished) or to the camping gear (which I need to do soon because I’m going camping with the boys on the 13th if the weather supports).

I did get Will a new bicycle and Ben a new bicycle helmet. Ben got Will’s old bike. Both boys were very excited to go for a bike ride, and the weather on Saturday was perfect for biking. I rode with them down to the cemetery around the corner, and we rode there for a while. Now to find some easy bike trails around the state this summer.
All three of us got hair cuts. Will complained the most, and of course he got the least cut off.
I did clean the house. A little bit. One of these days I’ll invite guests over and have to really clean it. I also mowed part of the yard – at least the part that I had planned for the weekend.
I installed the new stereo in the Jeep. I had expected it to be more difficult than it was. It is nice to actually have a project that goes as planned once in a while. I also found time to start a bonfire (ok, more of a camping fire this time). Will and Ben begged for one. As soon as I lit the fire, the neighbor drove down with his backhoe and started moving dirt around in the field next door. So the boys ignored the fire and went over there to watch. Go figure. And then we finished Saturday with homemade pizza. And to be crazy, I used actual pizza sauce instead of the normal (being lazy) pasta sauce.

Today – transition morning. A nice homemade breakfast with the boys (with eggs thanks to Mark and Rob – the boys prefer the local eggs). Then after the boys left, I went to Nayantaquit Trail and met the Hiking with Dogs meetup.com group. We hiked for two hours (with breaks). Targa and Tucker couldn’t be happier. They get so excited about the hikes, that as soon as we pull into the parking lot and they see the dogs running around, they go crazy. I actually let Tucker off the leash a bit today (but only a little bit). And Targa finally made a friend on the hike (a German Shepard named Zeus).
Let’s see if the weather tomorrow supports me biking into work…