I had another good weekend…. I got lots done. It is Mother’s Day weekend, so the boys went to their mom’s house on Saturday morning. But she let them stay until 11 instead of the usual 9AM. But of course the boys were up at 6AM on Saturday. And Will got upset because I had asked him to stay in bed until 7 (really wanting them to let me sleep in), but I forgot to tell Ben, so Ben got me up early. And I thought Will was still sleeping, so I didn’t go bother him. He came downstairs upset that he had to stay in his room until 7.

Friday after school I took the boys to Fleming’s Feed store so they could get flowers for the garden. Will had decided he wanted to take one of the raised beds for his garden. Will and Ben picked flowers out and we headed home. Ben decided to take part of one of the other raised beds for his flowers. I helped both boys weed and then plant their flowers.
Saturday morning we went to Holdridge’s nursery and got more flowers for their beds. And we planted the rest of the flowers. So, out of the three raised beds, the first on is cleared, and I planted seeds for a mixed flower bed. The second one is 1/2 Ben’s flowers, and I planted onions, broccoli and strawberries on the other half. Ok, strange mix. The third one (the smallest) is Will’s. We cleared half of it and planted his flowers. When he gets back this week we will have to clear the other half of it so he can plant the seeds (flowers and melons).

I am also getting the daylillies in the front flower bed. It looks pretty bare this early in the year. I’m thinking I’ll plant some early bulbs in the fall and get flowers earlier in the spring. Maybe daffodils . I’ll have all summer to think about it.
I was able to get a little bit of work done on Ben’s room – I painted the sashes for the last window (painted the inside). Now I have to get glass for them this week and set the glass and paint the exterior.
Of course, the highlight of the weekend for the dogs is the Sunday, hikes with dogs. It was a 2 hour hike at one of my favorite locations (Machimoodus State Park). I actually let Tucker off the leash for a bit. Until he picked up a scent and tried to follow it off. Luckily it was up a very steep hill and he couldn’t make it up. He came tumbling back down and I was able to grab him and put him on a leash.
And to top it off, I was able to clean my workshop out a bit… it is almost usable. Next weekend is camping on the Connecticut River with my dad and the boys – if it doesn’t rain.