I was finally able to start painting Will’s room. Susanna had previously painted the ceiling white while I replaced the damaged wall. We are changing the room color from the previous green-blue to a blue with off white trim, and a gold color as the accent color (the chimney and doors are the accent color, and maybe one of the short walls, we will see when we get to that wall).
I found a section of the wall that missed when caulking the trim, so I will do that tonight before the final coat on the walls. The trim will need to be painted as well.
The colors are all from Sherwin-Williams. The walls are “Down Pour” (SW 6516) and the accent color is “Empire Gold” (SW 0012). The accent color is left over from the kitchen, but it seemed to complement the walls pretty well. The trim will be classic ivory.
It is a cold and rainy day today. A perfect day to get projects done in the house. I have a project in the works, but I’ll post about that when I”m finished with it tonight.