We are making progress on Will’s bedroom renovation. Today I finished up most of the painting and am just working on the finishing touches to the room.
I am trying something new for the floor. The hardwood floor was in pretty rough shape, but I didn’t have time to completely refinish the floor. So, I lightly sanded the surface (removing any stains that I could), and put a coat of dewaxed shellac down. The shellac dries in an hour or two. I then covered the shellac with a quick dry water-based floor finish from Home Depot. It certainly doesn’t look like a refinished floor, but it looks much better than before. I’ll have to see how well it holds up over time.
Tomorrow I have some touch-up painting to do, including the trim around the windows. Susanna will organize and sort the toys and clothes. Hopefully it will be a nice surprise to Will when he returns home on Monday afternoon. I also need to finish the electrical work for the room, but that will wait until after next week (the outlets are in, but I need to run a wire to the attic to hook them up).
Let me know how it holds up. Tore up the junky laminate floor in the nursery I’m redoing, to find gorgeous pine subfloor… painted and full of lead. Have spent day using stripper to mitigate the amount of sanding I will be doing in a tented area, HEPA filters, yada yada, while the wife is at her mom’s house…
I certainly will. If I had more time to finish the floor, I would probably have tried to find a better finish for the floor. I didn’t really do any research on the finish – I just picked out something from Home Depot.