I took my next two furlough days this Wednesday and Friday. We had initially planned to go to Six Flags on Wednesday. However, in the morning, Ben wasn’t feeling up for a big trip out (he was fighting a cold). Instead we took an easy morning. In the afternoon, Will and I picked up his friend, Tyler, and headed to the base to go swimming at North Lake for a couple of hours. Ben stayed home with Susanna and rested.
Yesterday we headed to Six Flags. It wasn’t as hot as it was earlier this summer, but it was warm enough to support going to the water park for a couple of hours. We had a good day at the park, and headed home in time to catch dinner on the drive home.
Now I’m almost half-way done with the furlough. I think after next week, I switch over to taking furlough days each Friday until completed. There are rumors of the number of days being shortened to 6 or 8 total days. But of course those are just rumors.