I’ve been slow posting on this blog… there is lots to do outside and around the house in the summer. Finally it is hot enough this weekend, that writing seems like a good thing to do.
The big family trip this summer was a road trip to West Virginia. The trip started in the evening of the 24th. We started with a short drive to New Jersey for a night sleep (leaving after the boys arrived here for their vacation period). The next morning, we drove around a bit to find breakfast (and new headphones for Will) and then drove to Washington DC. We stayed at the same hotel we stayed at last year (Homewood Suites in Alexandria VA).

We took it easy on Saturday, with dinner at the Olive Garden (it was my birthday dinner). The next day we decided to head into Washington to visit the Holocaust Museum. We got distracted.
When we arrived at the Mall, the boys wanted to walk to the Washington Monument. It was right there, so why not. When we got up to the monument, one of the other tourists gave us 4 tickets for the 10:30 am tour… normally you need to get down there very early to get tickets. What good luck. So we went to the top. The boys thought the ride up was pretty cool, but got bored after 5 minutes at the top. Then back down and to the Holocaust Museum.
We should have done lunch instead. It was getting close to lunch time. Will was getting hungry. He couldn’t stand still at all while we were in the lobby of the museum. We tried to walk through the children’s exhibit, but Will couldn’t stop running. He got very upset when I took him outside. He had a screaming meltdown on the way out. Not the best day. In hindsight we should have done lunch first, he would have been much happier on a full stomach. But all he wanted to do was go back to the hotel and swim.
After lunch we took the metro back to the car and drove back to the hotel, spent the afternoon swimming and ordered pizza for dinner (after Will calmed down – he was very upset from the events of the morning).