More pictures from our family vacation to Cancun, Mexico last week. Just in because maybe someone isn’t sick of vacation pictures. Anyway, I’m almost done. Probably one more dump of pictures tomorrow night.
Will playing at the beach by our hotel and completely ignoring Susanna’s requests to look up for the picture.Enjoying the beach by the hotel (picture by Benjamin).Benjamin enjoying his drink by the beach (and not too happy to be the subject of the photograph).On Tuesday, Will and I borrowed one of the resort’s catamarans for a short sail. Despite many hours sailing our own sailboat, a water depth of maybe 20 feet, and life jackets, Will clung to the middle of the boat for most of the trip. He said it wasn’t the same without a cockpit to sit in.Benjamin enjoying the swimming pool at the resort.Susanna: “Just one more picture, please.”On Wednesday, Ben and I went on a snorkeling adventure for the morning. Here we are waiting to get underway out to the reef.Benjamin enjoying the water at the reef on our snorkeling adventure on Wednesday.One of the may underwater sights that Ben and I saw on our snorkeling adventure.Benjamin swimming ahead of me at the reef.Benjamin enjoying a break after snorkeling, before our van ride back to the hotel. “Dad, can you get me another drink, please?”