The weather was nearly perfect today. Maybe a bit windy. But a nice sunny day makes correcting a rough morning much easier.
This afternoon, after soccer camp and piano lessons were complete, the boys invited their friends over to play. I was also able to make some progress on the garden while they played.
I had finished cleaning out the raised beds yesterday (with Will, Ben and Justin’s help) – thanks to a load of horse manure compost from the Sawyer Family Farm. I’ll see if I can grow more than just weeds in the raised beds this year. The first bed will be a mix of flowers and vegetables. The second bed has 27 strawberry plants (plus some random perennial flower that Ben or Will picked last year and didn’t die) – I started radishes in the last 3 feet of the bed that is still free of strawberry plants. The third bed I planted with a cover crop of buckwheat yesterday.
Late this afternoon, after all the boys’ friends had arrived, we decided to hike into the woods to find the Hellcat wreckage site. This is the third time that Susanna and I have been to the site (and the second for Will and Ben) – but we have yet to find the wreckage site for the other aircraft. Maybe we will search for it one of these weekends when it is just Will and Ben with us.
I have been getting some smaller projects completed in the workshop. It has been a week of making cutting boards – pictures will be posted later when I actually take some. I’m also making progress on framing in the new set of stairs to the second floor of the barn (and I need to remember to return the come-along to the Sawyers the next time I visit their farm – and to think I was just there yesterday – maybe I’ll remember to bring them to work on Monday – of course I’ll plan on riding in on Monday, so won’t put the equipment in the car).
Tomorrow promises to be another beautiful day – a chance to get lots done around the house. And yes, I’m passing on going to church (sorry Susanna) – but I do admit to going with Susanna to church on Easter Sunday (I know, I’m not sure what was wrong with me last weekend…)