The rain stopped long enough on Saturday afternoon to take a walk down to the cemetery before dinner. The boys brought their new toy bows to protect us from orcs, goblins and uruk-hia that were there to attack us. I think that they must be more dangerous than the zombies and ogres that normally plague our walks.
This morning the boys started by fighting zombies. Then turning into zombies – until they couldn’t find a brain in Tucker to eat.
It rained most of the day – which put a damper on our hopeful beach plans. But a slow day is nice once in a while. Will had a friend, Tyler, sleep over again last night. We took Tyler home just before lunch on our way to the toy store – Ben had a birthday party to attend in the afternoon and needed a gift. The boys spent their allowances eacg on a set of toy bow and arrows.

Will had been wanting to watch the “Lord of the Rings” movies again. We had watched them two years ago (and skipped lots of scary parts). This time, with Ben at a party, Will wanted to watch the entire movie (win-win, Ben got to play at a party and Will got to watch a movie that had given Ben nightmares previously). It was a rainy day and perfect for a three hour movie. And the movie explains the lack of zombies on our evening walk (and the addition of enemies from middle-earth).