Getting ready for Isabella (progress on the nursery)

We have been working on redoing the nursery since Thanksgiving. Today we made a big step. We finished the painting and added the light and switch. Granted, we are still a bit ready for the room to be ready, but at least now Susanna can start decorating it for real (instead of just in her mind). Another bonus is being able to get the furniture stored in the hallway and our bedroom out.

It is nice to get a project finished. Not that it is totally finished, but the part that I was responsible for is done – Susanna had been waiting on me to finish so she could start to decorate. One less project on my list to carry over to the new year.

Tucker enjoying the new room.
Tucker enjoying the new room.

Christmas Morning Fog!

The boys are with their mom this Christmas. Susanna and I are enjoying a quiet Christmas morning and will go to my uncle’s house for dinner this afternoon and I plan to work on the nursery a little bit later this morning – it is time to get the last two pieces of trim in and install the light.

The warm rainy weather yesterday turned into fog overnight and a beagle that refused to go out and go pee before bed last night got me up at sunrise to enjoy the early morning fog.

Targa and the sunrise on a foggy and warm Christmas morning.
Targa and the sunrise on a foggy and warm Christmas morning.

A selfie made of selfies

Will likes to grab Susanna’s or my iPhone when we leave it around and take oodles of selfies. Instead of deleting them, I made a photomosaic of his pictures using Metapixel. It is a selfie made of selfies. The image is made up from the 168 selfies I found on the two phones.  I set up the background image to bleed through 30% to make the picture turn out decent – I think the majority of the pictures came from two selfie sessions and didn’t have a lot of variation in color for the program to work with.

My next thought is to take a family picture at the end of the year and make a photomosaic using all the pictures we took throughout the year.

William's selfie of selfies. Or payback for all the pictures he put on my camera.
William’s selfie of selfies. Or payback for all the pictures he put on my phone.

Sunday Morning House Projects

Will replacing the broken toilet seat with a new replacement.
Will replacing the broken toilet seat with a new replacement.

Today is a little wetter and cooler than yesterday – another good day for indoor chores.

The boys and I went to the store this morning to get supplies for house projects. I was planning on focusing on adding outlets to the nursery. The boys decided to work on project to earn a little extra electronic play time today.

Will choose to replace the toilet seat. The old seat had broken, so he picked out a new seat and replaced the old one. Ben decided to add a wireless doorbell to the house. The previous doorbell hasn’t worked in years, so a new wireless bell seemed like a quick simple project to get off the to do list.  Both boys are getting old enough to help around the house without much supervision.

I was able to make some progress on getting outlets added to the nursery. I’ll have some more work to do in the evenings this week, but I’m feeling good about being ready to drywall next weekend.


Starting on the Nursery

Demolition finished on the interior wall in the nursery.
Demolition finished on the interior wall in the nursery.

The past month or so has been crazy busy. Work has been busy. Weekends have been busy. Too busy. I haven’t had much time to catch up on chores or even relax enough – which of course has put me in a bad mood for the past couple of weeks. And me being stressed and grouchy doesn’t help the rest of the house relax.

Finally this weekend I have been able to get a little time to focus on things at home. Susanna and I have been arguing discussing how much renovation we should do in the nursery. We had originally planned on gutting almost the whole room, but that seemed like too big of a project to finish in time. The minimum work was to put drywall up covering the ceiling. I think we finally agreed that we would gut one wall, cover a second wall (where there is no trim to require us to pull off the plaster) and the ceiling, and just repaint the remaining walls. We also will pull out the carpet and put in a new floor.

The boys and I took down the plaster and lath on the interior wall that we are replacing. The plaster on that wall was in pretty bad shape, so it was best to just replace it. It took us about 2-1/2 hours to demolish the wall and clean up the room.

Tomorrow morning I’ll work on moving an outlet on the north wall and adding new outlets to the (now) demolished wall. Over Thanksgiving we will start drywalling the room.  It feels good to make progress.