A crazy month

I can’t believe that it had been nearly a month between posts. It has been a busy month. After my last post, I had to travel for a weekend for work. I had one weekend after my trip before hurricane Sandy came through. I had computer problems that were finally fixed by a fresh OS install this week.

I am still in disbelief about how quickly we painted the kitchen. I typically have problems finishing projects, so it was very nice to have Susanna there pushing me to finish things. I haven’t had a lot of time in the workshop, and I still need to get a door installed to the second floor, so I can keep the heat on the first floor as the weather gets cold.

A picture from the road - doing a small boat transfer with Bob C.

Time Zones Suck (and other random thoughts)

We took a short break to observe the ArizonaMemorial on our short run on Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

I would like to think the reason that I’m awake late on a Saturday night (ok, early on a Sunday morning) is that Susanna and I are out enjoying a rare weekend night where the boys are with their mom. That isn’t the case.  I’m sure if it were, I would have better things to do other than write on my blog.  Heck, even on a slow night like this, I have better things to do than write on my blog.  Like sleep. This is one of the joys of shifting one’s body 6 time-zones. My sleep schedule is all screwed up.

One would think that flying back to the east coast after a week in Hawaii would cause me to stay up late and sleep in late (i.e. stay on Hawaii time). A red-eye flight from Honolulu to Dulles last night allowed me to get a full nights sleep and wake up at a reasonable east coast time. But it is rough sleeping on a plane, so I’m never fully rested. Second, my week in Hawaii was spent underwater on a submarine, which never helps one get on a fixed time-zone. So here I am boring all three of my blog’s readers with my musings on my sleep patterns. Yes, I know, I found something more lame than woodworking to write about. Well done.

I have started running again. I’ll see how far that goes. I have slowly built myself up to 5k runs – and my knees feel it. Hopefully I can lose a couple of pounds which will make the runs easier on my legs.

I also ordered lumber online for the first time. I had ordered some small pieces from eBay in the past, but never the wood for a full project. I am planning on building several cutting boards (drunken cutting boards) with some of the guys I work with. The plan is to use purpleheart and maple squares, with cherry accents.  I’ll post pictures of the build here. I ordered the material from Bell Forest Products the week before I left for Hawaii.  The package arrived while I was gone, and I opened the boxes this evening. The lumber looks great. There wood is clear and straight.  The iPhone pictures don’t do the wood justice (thought the purpleheart isn’t quite purple yet – it will age to purple in the sunlight).

Purpleheart and maplefor cutting boards.

Now time to head back to bed. I’m sure I’ll have to reclaim my place and move Tucker to the foot of the bed.

Taking a step back in time

Okay. I’m not talking about that far back in time. Though, I’m sure my kids think that I witnessed the carving of the statue to the left in person (with a little encouragement from Susanna no doubt).

No, I do not lament for “the good old days.” I am a firm believer in the benefits of technology. Technology allows us to keep in touch with family and friends that are miles (kilometers for those in Sweden) away. I couldn’t imagine being able to do my job without using a computer. The Internet has made a trove of information (good and bad) available to us – I don’t think I could have so easily started my woodworking hobby without the resources available on the Internet.

However, I think nothing comes for free. With the Internet and computers we are given content. It becomes easy to become lost in the sea of content that streams into our houses through our computers and phones and TVs.

Susanna and I have been talking about that a lot recently. She has noticed that in her classes, the other students will get lost into their smart phones instead of talking to each other. All her class assignments are to be electronically turned in via the college’s online portal. I can feel the pull at work. It is easier to send an email off and forget about something, than actually call someone. I can see it in the boys- if we let them, their days would revolve around using their electronics.

But I don’t think work or even school is where the real problem exists. I think it is in our homes. The first think I used to do every morning was to check my iPhone. I would catch up on Facebook and email. Is my connection to the Internet so important that it is the first thing I check in the morning and the last thing I do at night? I have been starting to think that it should not be.

As a family we have been pushing to take a little step back in time – to when we weren’t so connected. We have started having “no electronic” days. Susanna has been leaving her phone downstairs at night. I have been (sometimes with more success than others) trying to avoid checking my email all the time.

Maybe our houses should be a refuge from the world that is overstimulated with media? Are we the only ones that feel this? What steps do other families do to limit the intrusion of electronics into their homes.

And yes, I do see the irony of spending my evening on the Internet typing on how I am trying to limit using the Internet and electronics at home.

The Next Big Journey

The past couple of years with Susanna has been a wonderful adventure. We have traveled to Australia, England, Sweden, Denmark and up and down the east coast of the US. We have built a life here in Preston – we have learned how to make our blended family work with Will and Ben. We have made a home together; we tore down a shed and built a patio; we repainted several rooms, and are working on painting the outside of the house. We have done many trips to New York City. Susanna finished her studies in Sweden and started working on her degree here. She has helped me focus on my work in the workshop, and I have a workshop that is cleaner and more organized than I ever have (okay, maybe not right now if you walk in there – but it is still cleaner than it has been years ago).

Yesterday we decided that we wanted to take the next step in our adventure together. We are planning a wedding for next summer. I love looking back at how far our journey together has taken us, and look forward to being able to reflect on where our lives take us from here. Rarely anything worth anything in life comes easy, and we have had to work hard to get to where we are.  But I am thankful to have had her help through the difficult times as well as shared in the many joys of life. It seemed that three years ago, there was an ocean between the lives we wanted together and the lives we were living; but now it seems that we are both on the same shore, and can look back together at the long journey to this point.

Random Posting… (a bunch of unconnected thoughts and teaching the dog Swedish)

The girls heading to NYC - It would have been flatteringto hang out with a nice attractive group in the city - thecost would be visiting sites from "Sex and the City" -definitely not worth it.

It is sometimes nice to just let the ADHD take over….  so here is a bunch of random thoughts/updates.  So, if either of the two readers of this don’t want random, I suggest you skip this post (Susanna excepted – she gets to read all my posts, good or bad).

In addition to enjoying NYC, the girls have been helping out around the house.  This week they scrapped the trim on the front porch – the most complicated of section of exterior trim.

So… Project updates:

-Sailboat: The trailer is making progress – I need two more pieces of steel to finish repairs.  Still working on the topside repairs and making trim for the interior.

– Kitchen Island: On hold until after the summer projects.  The lumber is milled, hopefully it won’t get too warped before I get back to it.

– House Trim: Only progress on the porch mentioned above.

In addition, we are teaching Targa how to “shake” in Swedish.  The command is “Vacker Tass.”  He is doing pretty well.  We decided that Tucker is a little too slow to learn Swedish this week.

Now off to the casino to walk around a bit…

Random enough?

Project Day

The girls all headed to New York City this morning. I get the day to myself – a quiet day with the dogs. It is a perfect day to finish project that have been hanging out.

This morning I’ll do a little cleaning (the house and the workshop). I already did some fiberglass work on the boat (building a place for the battery) – I’ll post on that later. This afternoon I’ll mow the yard, and hopefully get some of the woodworking done on the boat. I’ve done most of the trailer work that I can do without getting more steel square tube.

A full house

Susanna’s youngest sister, Rebecka, arrived from Sweden yesterday. That brings the number of Swedes in the house to four, outnumbering the non-Swedes for now (unless you count the dogs). It is quite crazy with both boys here and three guests – crazy, but fun.

We have two days with a full house, then the boys head back to their other house. Today will be a “take it easy” day – the boys want to invite friends over (so we can have more boys in the house than girls – the normal balance of things) and have Sofia and Linda cut their hair. Tomorrow will be Six Flags.

This weekend it will just be four Swedish women and me. I’ll lock myself in the workshop. And visit the Sawyer farm – fewer Swedes there.

An afternoon out

Going out for dinner and a movie with the boys

I’m uploading pictures to the computer, and found some on the camera from before my most recent trip – so here is one of Susanna and me on the night we took the boys out to dinner and to see “The Avengers” on the base.

Planting the garden (and other house chores)

It is quiet during the day with the boys not here. That gives me a chance to catch up on chores. But I’d rather have the noise of kids running around and squeeze in chores on the edges.

I picked up (and planted) tomato, pepper and celery seedlings from the Sawyer Family farm. I also picked up a freshly slaughtered chicken – dinner one night for the boys and me.

I mowed most of the yard this weekend (a little left to finish next week). The yard is coming together. The garden is planted. The flower beds are getting cleaner (ok, still work to do).

I also covered the hole in the second floor of the barn where the original stairs had been. I am getting ready to install a large (4′ x5′) window in the south facing wall. I will hinge it so I should be able to get a nice breeze in the summer. I had to repair glazing on the window and paint it.

In addition I removed four of the glass storm windows and installed screens (I have only 3 screens, so I’ll have to make more this summer.

It finally feels like summer here. Now for pizza and beer while enjoying the evening from the patio.

The raised beds for the garden