The past few weeks have been pretty busy in the boat department. Will decided he didn’t want to fix up the Wildfire dinghy, so he listed it on Facebook for free and it was picked up a week later by some new sailors looking for a project and cheap way to get on the water. It seems fitting that we got it for free, so it was fair to give it up for free.
In the place of the Wildfire, we bought a Blue Jay from one of the other members at Pettipaug. The boat came named as “Cookie Monster” and has a paint job to match. The boat is in beautiful shape and the sails, though old, are from a good/fast batch by Kevin Farrar and are currently sitting at the sail loft to be measured so he can duplicate them. We have to decide if we will keep her as “Cookie Monster” or repaint her an rename her. Izzy wants her to be called “Alessandra” after Alessandra Mele, her current favorite singer. I’ll see how much work I want to do on painting this winter. The simplest thing to do would just to refinish the woodwork and keep the paint job for next year. But a Blue Jay isn’t that big so wouldn’t be too difficult or expensive to repaint if we go that route.