I had a great day. The boys came back early from their Mom’s house to spend the day here. Will came over pretty early and Ben followed a couple of hours later. Ben was sick last night and slept in late tonight.
This morning we had planned on doing a long hike as a family. But, Ben didn’t feel up to it, so we postponed the hike until tomorrow. We got to enjoy the beautiful day at home instead.
This morning I worked with Will on his mowing/trimming skills for the yard. His summer chore is keeping the front yard in good shape, which takes a lot of oversight to make sure it gets done right.
Ben and I worked on a quick project – replacing a the sill cock on the south side of the house. I have had the replacement. The old one leaked and was difficult to shut off. A trip to home depot to get the right connector for the PEX piping and some time in the basement clearing the spider webs in the way and the project was done.

The boys and I also disassembled the old microwave, throwing most of the parts into the recycling and saving a few choice parts for later projects (such as a couple of strong magnets Will pulled out – one of which he promptly broke).

It is nice that things are calming down – of course just as the school year ends and the summer starts its mad dash towards fall. I can tell when life is more relaxed; I write more. I have found time to post pictures over the past 4 months, but not much time to write.