Baby Pictures, baseball and more…

Today is the final day that Susanna’s sister, Rebecka, is visiting. Tomorrow afternoon, Susanna and Rebecka will drive to Boston and Rebecka will fly back to Sweden.

It has been a busy couple of weeks. Well, a pretty busy 10 weeks since Isabella has been born. It has been too busy for me to post much here, so I just torture the one or two readers with pictures of Isabella. Today I’ll go crazy and add a picture of Ben at his baseball game. Maybe tomorrow I can get him to add one of his game to his own blog.

Ben at bat. I think he was 3-2 at this time and shortly made first on a walk.
Ben at bat. I think he was 3-2 at this time and shortly made first on a walk.


I figured I'd spice it up with a picture of Isabella and Tucker. Just like I did two posts ago.
I figured I’d spice it up with a picture of Isabella and Tucker. Just like I did two posts ago.